Really, this is one page of a hundred page PDF doc. You want the link. It takes about 4 minutes to load. Uh Oh, it's 11 :59, bettter hurry
Mostly sketches. Occasionally a painting. Nothing political other than caricatures reinforcing the truism "Politics is Show Business for Ugly People".
YES! I WANT THE LINK! Cool tones and lines ELlis and I love the poses. Especially the cross drawing gun toter.
Hey I started the Marshall Vandruff Animals Anat class last Friday - you're right he's a great teacher. Very focused but makes it fun and fascinating.
He remembered you well. But how could he not? But he also remembered you warmly, so that's something.
Me want link too.
I have downloaded the PDF and have been enjoying scrolling through all the sketches this moring Ellis.
Man ... a hundred twenty pages of really good scribbles. Even the quickest ones are really good. If only each sketch could become an animated mini story ... like each one would come alive and relate something or say something, or grunt, or ... whatever.
It's Friday; I'm woolgathering ...
Thanks for checking them out guys
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