Mostly sketches. Occasionally a painting. Nothing political other than caricatures reinforcing the truism "Politics is Show Business for Ugly People".
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Is It Still Tuesday...?
... or did I miss the deadline by thirty-some hours? I like to use a Pentel Rolling Writer for my doodling, sketches and thumbnails. You probably can't even tell what I have drawn here, but maybe that's the fun of it. I just like to move my hand around inside a little box and watch the black-and-white lines and patterns form. That's the Ken Theater up on Adams Avenue in my neighborhood. The other two thumbs are pipes and windows on nearby alleyway walls.
Great line art. In the vein of another San Diegan, Rick Geary. But you're looser. More like Ron Thompson plus Rick Geary. A formidable mutant power indeed.
Great line art. In the vein of another San Diegan, Rick Geary. But you're looser. More like Ron Thompson plus Rick Geary. A formidable mutant power indeed.
What was on at the Ken? Kubrick's The Killers?
Not sure. Kind of looks like "The Killers" on the marquee, doesn't it? Or more like "Tuilo Kiviilr", starring "J. Cringhar ieiniooo in".
El is right--this does look a wee bit like a Geary/Thompson blend. And 100% Moon.
Wonderful fun stuff. Have you been to the Ken lately?? Hi to Patty!
Be careful with that Thompson blend, Moon. It's an inescapable lobster trap!
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