I don't know why, but the thought of a magical flashlight fascinates me.

Yet Another Cover Of The Comic Book I Will SOMEDAY Do: This issue will contain a story that finally separates fact from fiction regarding the ancient legend of the Golden Flashlight. I figure if I keep doing covers they will slowly and incrementally, over time, develop into full stories, which will evolve into full printed books, which will be the seed of my multi-million dollar comic publishing company, (whose titles will eventually be made into movies.)
Ellis, please slap a sleeper hold on Marty until he promises to put up the next installment of Jimmy Bowles, and while you are at it I'd like to see the next cover of Zonzen. Skribbl, maybe a glimpse of a future issue of Skrib-bot, Destroyer of Humans, 4000 A.D. Rick, eagerly awaiting next Tux panel, and Scott, more of your inspirational comic drawings please. Tom Carrol, Dok, where are you? (Notice how I'm practicing being a comic company executive? I'll pay you all a page rate of $1,000...)
Dig the super saturated color. I always have to desaturate things before I can bear my color choices. Marty and I have been talking comics. He's more likely to whip the choke holds out. He's a volatile man. He wants us to contribute stories to a Haunted Mansion comic book that he recently discovered. Maybe we could get a whole issue with just TAG artists for one issue.
So where can we get a look at this Haunted Mansion comic book? Who publishes it?
New Tux panel will be posted tonight!
Are you guys talking about the House of Mystery or the House of Secrets?
no no. Haunted Mansion. Some indy label that is paying Disney for the IP. And producing very below Disney standard work. I think it starts with a B
Marty just said the publisher is SLG. That well muscled dude in the bottom left worried about deep secrets isn't me is it Tom?
Well muscled dude? It must be Tom himself!
When I visited the Heavy Iron place on Friday night I saw the issues of the Haunted Mansion Ellis is talking about. Aside from a few stories in the first issue there wasn't anything that this group couldn't draw better. I didn't read any of the stories, but still I think it's definitely worth a try from some of you spooky stalwarts.
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Ellis, delete one of my last superfluous comments please...
Ellis, the guy with deep secrets wasn't intended to be you, but I think you should play him in the upcoming movie. And maybe Scott could be the guy outing you.
Scott, I can't start deleting your superfluous comments. Where would it end. I got rid of an extra comment but nothing superfluous .
Your drawing style in these images is like a combination of Peter Max and Mobeous. Very cool and colorful.
Kids are naturally drawn to flashlights... they are fascinating devices.
I think you are right about the Moebius and Max influences. I feel like I have a whole list of artists whose influences I would like to see present in my work. From Leo and Dianne Dillon to Herge (Tintin) and Carl Barks. But what would such an amalgam look like? I must keep working until I find out...
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