Thursday, March 31, 2011

SOE Layoffs?

Click the headline to see the Joystiq news item.  What's the word, folks?

Cork Tribute (Work-In-Progress)

For a long time now I've been wanting each of us to do a Cork tribute drawing for Scott ("tribute drawing"? Izzat what the comic pros call it?). Cork number 50 seemed a worthy milestone to comemmorate, but alas, I was too slow....

Then Ellis posted his "Grannie's Shack" monologue, and something clicked....

I'm not done yet...I think you'll get a chuckle out of the finished product.

In the meantime: Scott & Ellis (& Grannie Goodson), I salute you!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nice Craters

This is the first shot ever from a craft orbiting Mercury. Click the headline to go to a site that serves up a quick visual size comparison for every planet in the solar system.
It looks like the Moon and it's only 1.4 times bigger. I do like the obvious high velocity impact crater that shows all the white bedrock. Maybe it's solid uranium.

Click Here to See Adrianne Palicki in Action as Wonder Woman ... or here for article and still shots.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Took a Break from Horse doodling - RATFIST

I'll extract a BW sketch from my PSD file for Brad Constantine's Autism sketch book.
Doing this big drawing last night, I realized I am moving perilously close to the "use it or lose it" realm. I haven't been drawing real, goal oriented sketches. Just what ever flowed out onto an index card. Need to get into some tougher work.
Click Headline to go to Ratfist, the webcomic.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wendling Now

I feel like I've got a little cold blooded anatomy down.
Now I'm going to do more bridgemanesque type drawings, copy Wendling, Frazetta.
Point being to have a lot of sweep and gesture, then draw the horse. I have good skulls going lately.
I've got a kind of quick parrot-looking symbol I do for the skull and I seem to easily find my way to a horse head from there.

Adding a podcast where Doug T talks about Manga Studio.

Hey, click the headline for a great way to view superior, large scans of Frazetta art.
Notice the little palette squares next to each painting
My own side by side paste of the edit Frazetta did on the Eerie 3 cover.
I always preferred the cat girl above. And I definitely like more about the monster and background in the original Eerie.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How would you start a facebook account....

That would be some sort of a proxy, non identifier of yourself account.
I need to look at social games on facebook.
Maybe occasionally look someone up.
But I want it one way.
I don't want Facebook to have real information about me.
This wouldn't be the aggregate of everyone you know type of account.

Any ideas?
Random cool jpg added

A guy I never heard of Willy Pogany. Great . clear anatomy on that trouble, buried, upper arm of the horse. Triceps, deltod, bicep  and pects.
The best way to browse back through the asifa stuff is to use Google Reader with an rss subscription.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Captain America Trailer

I dig the emaciated Rogers effect. I assume they have a skinny guy they composite the other actors head onto. Looks believable.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011


My famous Artist How to Draw animals is the better book. I feel like my invention is getting better and a little less wrong.
I had my comparative notions all wrong about the front leg. I knew the back leg had the big femur high and buried in the buttock and other muscle.
But the front leg I didn't realize the little upper arm was so buried in shoulder muscle.
The heads are still big dog like but the famous artist book is opening my eyes about the structure and rhythm.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Fish Named Marty

My neices' fish died last week. Today their father took them to buy a replacement. I am told they picked a nice one out, brought it home...and named it Marty.

I don't know whether to be flattered or offended. Then again, these are the girls to whom I gave this strange momento.

Probably serves me right.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Scans of Drawing Horses book- Click Headline

Did some scanning. I'm wanting to do an animatic with horses. My own Cowboys and Aliens.
But right now my horse invention sucks.
Click headline to go to my blog for the scans. Good solid instruction book

I was watching an Avengers episode, did a search for Emma Peel. Found a web site that explained "M appeal." Male appeal. Get it.

Drawing Horses

Did a little scanning of an old book. No major impacting of profit is meant by circulation of this material. No tags. Just archiving for me and friends I make aware of it. 1977-Don Bolognese

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fairly Final


Moved the footpeg back to give the rider more of a jockey posture. reworked the controls and sundry details.

Anything else look amiss?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tall Tale

last pair sci fi props

With this final pair, the right panel (messenger) seems more cartoony in style than the five other sci fi props in this series. Nyet?

2nd Sci Fi prop pairing

This second pairing has a weak first panel as well. It needs more detail or something.

1st pair of sci-fi props


I have six object concepts to show ya - all with a sci-fi angle to them. Asking for your crits1

In this first pairing, I like the second one more than the first. The translator just seems to have an odd camera angle. No rotation of the image removes this feeling for me.

Version 02

Here's the second version.

The grayscale with seated figure needs a better figure, but it's there to proof the idea.

What sez yah's - More crits please!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cork 53

Have a look at the new Cork please. PLLEEEEEEASE.

A Walk In The Sun, 1946

Lloyd Bridges from Lewis Milestone's (?) "A Walk In The Sun." Loved the floppy hair.

Does "WIP" mean "Work In Progress"??

Monday, March 14, 2011

Crits please - but no "little people" jokes


So I'm adding some sci-fi elements to my portfolio..

Which, Dear Mr. or Ms. Future Employer, can be found at

And I wondered if honest crits would tell me not to bother fixing this one up (lots of messes here and there to clean)?

And btw TAGers, any and all crits on that website would be really appreciated as well.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Doodles I Don't Remember

You scan this stuff, put it on disk, and then you find it two years later. Kind of like a present to yourself.
In case you don't know how to set your clock, if I posted this tomorrow at the same time, it would be 11:40.
I added a couple of extra items from my lucky long and sordid history of drawing stuff for other people's use.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Japanese Quake

Incredible destruction. I pray this isn't going to happen to LA while I live here. My little prefab house would come right off the car jacks supports and crumble like a saltine.
They have other footage with so many bright colored little cars being swept away that it looks like sprinkles on an ice cream cone. Every car is thousands of personal loss.
Man oh man.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Captain Modok- Rough

I didn't do his feet. I was going to just digitally ink this but I'd better finish it some more

need a careful sketch. This is just letting the pencil go to see if I like the couple of ideas I'll pump into it. Hopefully I get a couple of other ideas as I sit down for the careful sketch.
I'm adding a trailer for Disney- Mars Needs Moms. Santa Claus vs the Martians? And they brought John Candy back to life in an Uncanny Valley kind of way.

March Modok Madness!

Click the title for the link!

Every March this blog posts crazy drawings of the infamous Marvel villain.  Add to their collection!  I did!

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Bonnie and Clyde vs. Dracula

The title says it all.

RE: Scanner Still Works...SO DOES MINE!

As part of my Lentan devotion, I am giving up not posting drawings on the internets. Consider this your Mardi Gras morning-after blast.

Ellis, I'm expecting you to guess all the identities. (p.s. Mitchum wasn't in the movie--I just made him up!) And yes, that's Carmen Miranda's sister, Aurora.

Scanner still works

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Posted before- New Touch Up

Well, I'm done juggling the pieces and healing it up here and there. More than enough provision for happy accidents as I paint into this new arrangement.

Latest edit. Taking myself to my own concept art class. Modifying it based on the sort of critique I used to give students

Lovecraft Jack and The Beanstalk
Click headline to go to Richard Corben home made short subjects. It looks like he knows a little 3d, a little rigging, a little after effects, little flash maybe. Some interesting half successful stuff.
I thought the best (shortest too) was Haunted Palace.