Monday, April 07, 2014

A Cartoon by Tom Gauld

My favorite cartoonist. Makes me think of Ellis's Erica Jong quote.  He was at the San Diego Con last year, but I didn't get to talk to him.  I need to develop a style with a faster turnaround time like him.


MrGoodson2 said...

You could do it Tom. A reductionist go where you just concentrate on the writing and gag creation.

MrGoodson2 said...

I always thought I had a talent at the old "caption this" type of contests. For that matter, the ever present option of "caption this" for everything I RT on Tumblr.

That cartoon could well be based on the Jong quote.

Take 3 self help, pride booster tweets and base a cartoon on each. Good challenge.

I'll do it

MrGoodson2 said...

That's what comedy writing would be like I suppose. Sit in a room. Bring up topics. Here's some fairly random tweets I copied

“Slow down, savor, and think.” - the latest call for slow reading & for shifting away from “Twitter brain.”

can I claim the person who stole my credit card number as a dependent?(already a gag by Steve Agee)

You learn that every thing connects back to your ribs. Moving your toe hurts (a tweet I wrote to Kali)

An #artist is not one who has solved life's problems. He is one who accepts life's problems. (Anonymous)

"Writers are the main landmarks of the past." ~ Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

You have 2 choices.You either die or do something with your time. You’re going to be doing something–why not write? James Lee Burke

Day care costs more than college in 31 states

MrGoodson2 said...

Point being, not to be literal, but to have images and notions swim into your head based on the prompts.

I'll do one.

MrGoodson2 said...

Here's one by Lynda Barry about the twitter brain