Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Raymond and the Giant Robot Attack: Pages 17-32 of 64


To Be Continued Next Week...

Sorry about the long post again.  Will happen only twice more.  But I've realized that long posts don't push other people's stuff off the page.  Blogger always keeps the last seven entries up. (Which I've also discovered is adjustable in the Layout Preferences, should the need arise.)


MrGoodson2 said...

This is so awesome. I love it. Killer Panel with Ivan jumping into action with the Pterodactyl background.
Also love Ahab still attached to Moby.
And his cryptic warning.

I'm such a dumb reader, I didn't know you had this finished and were simply rolling it out. I thought you had the first pages and we were going to have to wait for the rest.

I vote you roll it all out at once. I'm the impatient type.

Tom Moon said...

Ha, thanks Ellis. I was thinking of posting it all at once, but that seemed like an embarrassingly long post. Then I thought that doing it this way was sort of like how they showed "Commander Cody" on T.V. when we were kids. Turned out it was good I delayed 'cause I've had the chance to do several last-minute tweaks.

Tom Moon said...

Now, I'm not saying that this has anything to do with anything... but I wonder what would happen if you were to google "revenge two graves"?

MrGoodson2 said...

Now I'm in the proverbial "know."

MrGoodson2 said...

How long ago did you start this Tom?

Tom Moon said...

I guess you could say that I started "actual production" over Christmas break of last year, so about six months ago. But the sketchbook doodles go back a few years, if you know what I mean.

MrGoodson2 said...

Heck. 6 months is impressive to get this done in your spare time. Quicker than I thought.

Tom Moon said...

Sometimes I think so. Other times I think, "Uh-oh. Not nearly enough. How many more six-month periods do I have left in my life?"

Surly Bird said...

This has everything! Dinosaurs, GKR (giant killer robots), kaiju action - you name it. Awesome!

Davis Chino said...




Tom Moon said...

Thanks Ronnie. "Something for everyone," is my motto.

Heh, Marty, the whole story, all 64 pages are actually done. I'm just posting them 16 per week.

MrGoodson2 said...

I posted a link on Okla Comic Creators back to this posting. Got this comment "This stuff is FANTASTIC!!! Love it!"

Tom Moon said...

Oh wow, that's nice to hear. Thanks Ellis. Say hi to your Oklahoma Comic buddies from me. I'm feeling more confident of my creative direction as time goes by.

MrGoodson2 said...

From Kevin Stark that had the other comment

"Well, Tom has really got something going there! I really like it a lot! Is this available in printed form or just digital? Would love to snag a copy of it."

What are your plans for it Tom?

I'd say a pitch to Fantagraphics may be in order. They promote things as well as anyone out there.

Tom Moon said...

My current thinking is to continue to produce enough material to make up a book of a couple hundred pages. I'm writing a follow-up story to this one, trying to work off of the momentum I've acquired. Maybe I can increase my output some.

As I am a believer in incremental baby-steps, I think the next move after that is to sell it as a digital-download only, (maybe on Amazon?). If there's a good response, then I'll look into how much hard copies cost.

I've always thought Fantagraphics would be the company most likely to be interested in this style of comic. But rather than approach them as a complete unknown, hat-in-hand, I'd like to see if I could build up a small fan base first.

Getting a good response from people online would be a good clue that you've got something worth investing more time and money in.

Please thank Kevin for his nice comments and tell him that I appreciate the moral support.

Tom Moon said...

Hey, Robot Attack jumped to the top again!

MrGoodson2 said...

I pimped it back up. Put the 19th as pub date. It can start to work down again tomorrow.

Tom Moon said...

Yes, really cool style!