Saturday, June 11, 2011



MrGoodson2 said...

Medium alright composition. Zero dynamics. Blah painting.

Rickart said...

That's a fun poster. I thought I saw some of the Howling Commandos in one of the trailers (how many war hero characters where a derby?). I can't tell from this image if Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) is among them...

Rickart said...

Whoops, I mean "wear" a derby.

Tom Moon said...

You're right Rick. That's definitely Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos in the bottom left of the poster. Fury's gotta be the one in the front with Dum-Dum Dugan behind him. Definitely Percy Pinkerton in the red beret, probably Dino Manelli, Izzy Cohen and Gabe in the back with him.

In the comic, when Shield started in the sixties, it made sense that Fury was a World War II vet, 20 years later, invited to head up Shield. But as time went on they had to explain Fury's (and Dum-Dum's and Gabe's) longevity by lamely introducing immortality serums.

I don't know how they are going to deal with the fact that there have to be two different guys named Nick Fury now. Maybe they'll rename the WWII hero something else.

Krayonzilla said...

Actually it's from left to right.
"Dum Dum" Dugan, Bucky Barns, Jim Morita, a character named Roeder,Montgomery Falsworth / Union Jack (looking like Percival "Pinky" Pinkerton,) Gabe Jones.

MrGoodson2 said...

How come there are two guys named Nick Fury?

Tom Moon said...

Well it looks like there won't be two guys named Nick Fury. Captain America has the "frozen in the iceberg" explanation to account for why he is young in the present. But the Samuel L. Jackson incarnation of Nick Fury is too young to have fought in WWII, so maybe they are now saying that the WWII Nick Fury never existed.

MrGoodson2 said...

I gotcha. So the Howling Commandos won't be present in the Steranko type incarnation of Shield. Dum Dum and all the guys.I'm going to search for a great Kirby establishing shot I remember. Where all the characters were terraced on ocean shore rock and bantering with each other.

Maybe The Page After This

MrGoodson2 said...

Or maybe this. instead of Banter , it was captions?
Maybe It's This