And, a blast from the past.

Can you name all of them?
Request for bigger better realized. I found the magazine. Notice, it's all about Doug.

Mostly sketches. Occasionally a painting. Nothing political other than caricatures reinforcing the truism "Politics is Show Business for Ugly People".
I wish it was a bigger scan! I can barely see!
In the Monkeytropolis piece, if you substitute the young James T. Kirk for the monkey, that could almost be the scene where he pulls up on his motorbike to watch the Enterprise being built out in the desert. And BTW: how is it that they can build a starship within Earth's atmosphere anyway ...???
I agree with Kali. I can hardly recognize the people and I worked with most (if not all) of them. I instantly recognized Rich Karpp, though ... Neat-o history.
I see , Robillard ?, Carp, Weezner, Frieheit in the Programmer group.
Jeff Jonas, Me, Mark lorenzen, Doug T, Tom Moon, (Matt's Girl?) Joe Shoopak and Rob Quenca.
I left out a couple I can't make out.
Oh yeah. and Dana of course.
Yeesh, And of course Brian Belfied , Genius programmer centarl to Neverhood and Monkeytropolis on the far left. And what's the programmers name that looks like woolhat of the Monkeys? Played Basketball with him 10,000 times.
I'm good for all of the artists with the exception of the guy between Rosie and Joe.
I can only name the programmers in the front row of that group.
Remember when it didn't take an army to make a game? Actually, I'm back in that position now! :)
Great old photo Ellis! Any chance you could scan it at higher rez? I'd love to have a copy.
Thanks Ellis!
Oh jeez! That wasn't Rosie at all! I think I can name a few more programmers now, too. Thanks Ellis! Truly a blast from the past!
Between Joe and Liz, that's Kevin McMahon, father of the McMahon boys, Mike, Scott and Adam. But who is the guy between me and Mark? He looks familiar but I don't really remember him.
Yeah, I got Kevin once I saw the picture blown up.
Between you and Mark... You're kidding, right? I assume that you aren't talking about Dana, which leaves Doug.
Ha ha, no. I really didn't recognize him. He looks like a kid!
HA! Great stuff! I wish Karl could see this. He'd get a kick out of it!
My hands look enormous in that photo. I think they've shrunk over the years.
Holy Velociraptor, those pix are priceless. I can't believe some of you guys blew those ID's!!
Halcyon days...and Keith "Frumpasaurus" Freiheit looks less angry than I remember--do you guys remember the dust up that day because Keith didn't want to be in the picture? He was stomping and seething...those 16 bit titles were a very serious matter! I love Keith....
And Karl! The boy wonder.
Wonder what he's doing...think I'll go check FaceBook.
Is that you, Rob?
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