Still looking for the Squoob rules.
No Squoob. Can not find it. I'm not done but Lord the trip down bad art memory lane. Here's a Blue Sky era ditty. My floundering at Vector Man character design concurrent with Rick doing the idea that was used.
TAG was eating Mexican food at a restaurant across from the much smaller convention center. We started Simpson themed doodles and eventually got the piece signed by the voice of Homer.
Top image is my first go at Zonzen, the bounty hunter of Zone Z. It's funny how stupid that used to sound. Now it sounds like a Movie that might come out next week. I think the country has gotten significantly dumber since 95. Still no Squoob
I love this panel ... maybe YOU MUST tell more about it ...
Ellis!!! Post this story. I want to see it agin'! In fact, start posting some of your stories from the olden days like Zonzen and this one and the like! DO IT!
Is this from a larger story you did long ago Ellis? Regardless, I like it.
Is THIS from a laRGEr Story you DID long Ago ELLiS? RerarDless, I LIKE it ...
Why did it put me up twice? Is Tom Carroll drunk?
Glad you liked it. It's a panel for the Comic Book. The Gorilla For a Day story. I scanned all the panels separate for use in a Flash formatted page turner. Only did one of them, Mr Toy.
I'm still looking for the Squoob rules. I'll find that and post it tonight. I'm that sure I have it on disk.
Zonzen! Yeeeeah!
Zonzen is such a great vehicle for cool Sci Fi ideas. More Zonzen!
Heh! Those Simpson drawings are great! Scott looks like Stephen Colbert!
I think you had Vectorman about 80% of the way there... I just nudged him a little bit further. and of course, that's ALL I did for the original Vectorman... you did EVERYTHING else!
Some of those VM drawings look like they could have been IronMan ideas... pretty cool stuff!
Wow! I'd almost forgotten about the "Simpson" drawings. That was back in 1991, right? Scott's drawing does look a little bit like Stephen Colbert.
We have a copy of Ellis' comic that he sent us years ago, I should hunt through the comic book collection and re-read it.
I don't remember this jam. I miss Ron. RON WHERE ARE YOU!!!! I don't miss Scott.
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