Alright kiddies, here's the first installment of my new comic strip called Cork. It's about a wood nymph who gets tired of the fairy life and wanders into civilization for a change of pace. I've finished 4 strips so far and I'll post one a day for 4 days.
Let me know what you guys think. It might take awhile for the story to get a rhythm, but you can be here for its humble beginnings. (All except Ranjo. He's a vicious bastard.) If all goes well I may have a book of these out by next Con or something. Let's see if I can keep the pace up.
I love it
Really well done. Lots of potential, especially in the corn chip dept. And I'm guessing that unless that's a magically fast hamster, the pizza's stale too... ;-)
Pretty drawings and an intriguing beginning. Nice introduction.
Let's see more!
are you inking it? It looks like inks. But I know you pencil real dark. I like the idea of these things dovetailing together. I'd say watch out for being to linear. Challenge the audience with leaps
Ellis, yes I inked it. And I'm thinking of having Cork eat the hamster raw. How's that for an awesome leap!
Where'd your beard growing picture go?
Do you need another ID gif.?
I've got ideas.
Well drawn. Nice image selection.
From this first introduction though she seems a little distant as a character. I would have liked to have seen some facial acting in the shot with the sandwich. Even a little eyebrow arch, the "where the hell am I?" look. The last panel description of the hamster should read,"Naturally the pizza delivery hamster carries a GPS system with him" Oh and have the hamster's head looking back at uh...Cork? Is that her name?? And what's up with the lack of eyeballs??? Expressions and eyeballs. Yeah that would fix this strip. OR just leave it the way it is. This is your first strip after all. What do I know?
the Ranjonator
If I hadn't already said something, I'd now say, "Yeah, I agree with Jeff!" ...
For the last 11 years or so I've wondered to something myself and the latest comments have brought it to the forefront once again. How in the hell did Jeff ever get a job in the entertainment industry. Seriously. How, by God?
Ellis... kill him.
Oh, and she will be getting eyeballs.
My website is down, thus , your beard no longer grows. Sorry about that. I'll send a complaint in to my host
Ellis! I've been trying for months to get rid of that damned beard-growing i.d. pic! Every time I clicked on it to change it the screen went blank and wouldn't let me do it! Even on other people's computers! Did you put a virus in it or something?! Do NOT re-introduce that thing. I'll choose an i.d. That thing was a menace.
Scotty Buncake gets pissed at Ellis' icon choice, fires virus at Ellis' computer to knock it out and stop the icon displaying, then feigns innocence. Very Machiavellian. Very clever indeed.
My first blog! (Welcome to the 21st Century!) And it's to critique Scotty Buncake's comics art! Oh goody! But before I do that, a big HI! to all my TAG buddies. I've REALLY missed the lot of you (except Ranjo, who still gets on my nerves! ;-), but thanks to Jeff anyway for inviting me to join the TAG blog at Tom's party. Where the hell were you, Buncake?!) Critique in a few moments...
Hey Brent! Welcome.
Ladies and gentlemen, the man that started TAG.
Brent Anderson
Welcome aboard! Good to finally see you here!
Now post a drawing already!
Hi, Brent!
My attendance in TAG began shortly after yours ended, but I've heard so many great things about you. Typical of these bums ... to forget to introduce us at last month's TAG reunion.
I like the tree layout- niceeee.
One more thing: I would love to post a sketch or two. How do I do that? Also, I could post a picture of myself if you'll teach me how to do that, too!
Brent, it's all about the Dashboard. Found when you click the "new post" button at the right hand top of the page. That little Icon that looks like a polaroid is what you click to upload a picture from your computer.
The window is what you type the text that captions the graphic. Click all the right buttons like "done" and "publish" and you'll have your first online contribution to TAG.
And the picture of yourself for an ID is done by clicking the "B" at the upper left top fo the page. This takes you to the heart of the Dashboard. You will see on the left
View Profile, Edit Profile, Edit Photo. Work your way through those to make your ID.
Hey, guys! Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! I have an illo to post but I'm confused again on how to do this blog thing. Help me? (If this even gets to you...)
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