I'm still working on some of the specular settings as well as lighting but it's moving along. My computer doesn't seem to render it as clear as at school but I'm working on it.
Can always use helpful comments.
Mostly sketches. Occasionally a painting. Nothing political other than caricatures reinforcing the truism "Politics is Show Business for Ugly People".
I would suggest adding some color with your lighting... add some warmth to the sunlight coming in and add some cool blues and/or purples to the shadows.
I agree with Rick ... At this point the lighting is most important. Try to find good reference photos to work from, especially to add some bounce lighting. What gets me is that there is a strong light source on the foreground elements and two spots in the b.g., but the light sources aren't visible so I have to fill in with my imagination where they're coming from. Like Rick, I initially attributed the strong f.g. light source to sunlight but the windows in the far background seem to suggest an overcast day. Providing a little more information in the picture will help sort out this kind of stuff. Really progressing overall, though.
One of the conventions you are going to run across in game rendering is the light bean with dust motes. Put that aplha strip of light on a card going down into the shot. Giving the illusion of a light beam.
Thanks Guys, Thats the kind of stuff I'm looking for. I'm still working on my lighting. You can fudge the lighting ad infinitum and till the cows come home. I've got two more projects in work too. I'll be posting up my pro (looking for work) blog soon. The KZ one will just be for fun.
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