Thursday, October 30, 2014

Nice mix of hand-drawn and CG animation

Potential Ear-Ache Warning: Hard-rocking' metal ahead, but I think it's worth posting as it's done extremely well by some very talented folks. And it's pretty entertaining, in my opinion.


MrGoodson2 said...

I enjoyed it. The music isn't as good as Metalocalypse.
Great shots. Bullet time stuff. I'm assuming very sophisticated match move rotoscoping on the 2d stuff where the camera does a lot of vertical movements.

Surly Bird said...

After watching it a couple of times, my only criticism is of the super-clean Disney-fied character designs. There's nothing wrong with the designs, but I would have loved something a bit odder, something not so idealized and beholden to the tried and true. These guys are all a bit too pretty, formulaic and safe for my taste. I would have liked a bit more actual caricature and exaggeration -- but that's a personal taste thing, I suppose.

Surly Bird said...

Something a bit like the Gorillaz designs - but with a bit more grit and muscle to them. I dunno. Just thought of that.

MrGoodson2 said...

I caught a whiff of Gorillaz ambitions.

Their main platform reminds me of a fighting arena in Boombots. The Neverhood's non selling game.

Rickart said...

You've hit the nail on the head, Ronnie. Sums up my thoughts exactly.