Saturday, June 21, 2014

Is it Wordpress?

Facebook interacted with the artist of this web comic. Indi Martin.
It became clear to me that for my purposes Blogspot would be all the web comic delivery system I would ever need.
The simple buttons.
Links to archives. 
Customizable page look.


Tom Moon said...

The artist mentions that it is his favorite comic page that he has done to date. If you look at the earlier pages in the story, they are done in a different, line-oriented, style. The greys he employed in this page make the drawing look a lot better.

What do you mean by, "Facebook interacted with the artist of this web comic"?

Indi Martin said...

@Tom Moon - I'm a she, not a he. ;) Yes, Dissolution is my experimental serial graphic novel, wherein I employ all of the new styles and tools I've learned, both in color and b/w. The hope is that it constantly gets better.

MrGoodson2 said...

I'm in a facebook group, Oklahoma Comivc Creators. Just meant a back and forth , commenting. Getting tips on what she does with her simple mods of blogspot.