The title is a link to this news coming from Wacom. Just the past weekend I'm joking if they come down 1500 bucks I'll want a cintiq. This might make that price. Speculation is this might sell for 750 to 1500.
I could budget that.
Found another page with a price extimate. About 1600 bucks they think. And a little time to save for it since it releases in November in England, not the States.
on another note
Anyone interested in a mini cintiq? You can turn a DS lite into a little thumbnail sketch pad. Total cost about two hundred bucks. Echoform (Yongwoo) at work is using his to do some cool stuff.
Go to my blog and from there to his Blog to see some of his "floaties" he did with the DS lite.
Here's the link he supplied me for getting everything one needs...
DS Lite Sketch Pad
Well, I just looked at that page. This is for the card you need to make it a sketchpad. I'll make sure I'm clear on what you need on that page by Tuesday.
Ha! They are too late to curry my favor! I still think I've got the better deal... for a few hundred more you get a computer to go with the monitor.
Interestingly enough, most of the pressure sensitivity lives in the $30 pen rather than the $1500-$2500 monitor.
It figures. I knew shortly after I got my Cintiq, Wacom would pull something like this, but didn't listen to my gut. That's definitely the doodad I would have purchased, but since there was no announcement at SIGGRAPH, I figured they were sticking with the 21Ux as their sole pen-on-screen product. I got in line for the Cinitq, paid the huge fee and waited for over a month like evryone else. I've had this thing for a few weeks and then, boom! They drop the other shoe. Unlike the sketch pad, the 21Ux does have a larger work area and it pulls double duty as a very high quality monitor but the sketch pad was basically the tool I wanted.
The price kept me in waiting mode. I imagine wanting one won't help a guy get one either. This baby will probably stay sold out well into 2008 before supply meets demand. I hope it is also a passable monitor. Little note, I can't believe the wsiwyg of the LULU art jobs. Those covers came out exactly like what I saw on my monitor.
I'm itching to do some digital painting. Another great use for this, FLASH direct pose to pose animation.
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