Sunday, November 01, 2009

Oliver, the Humanzee

I have watched several short news clips about this odd fellow over the years, but this is the first documentary that goes into great detail about him. He's definitely an interesting creature.

KZ added....
The Ape Human Hybrid "unused" from Beneath the Planet of the Apes.


Krayonzilla said...

I remember when this was news back in the 70's. A sub species of chimp that we've never seen before or just a oddity of nature. My money is on Gorilla city. Still a fascinating subject and somewhat a tragedy for Oliver being lost all those years.
Still fascinating .

MrGoodson2 said...

These are common in Oklahoma. Best place to look is Wal-Mart.

The guy that directed SLITHER, James Gunn, has a web series called Humanzee. The premise being Chimp Human hybrids as personal slaves. Pretty vulgar stuff.

Kali Fontecchio said...

Ehhhhh. Chimp Human slaves, ew. Gross!

Tom Moon said...

Maybe the hybrids would have the strength of chimps plus the brains of humans, and so turn out to be a superior race that took us slaves.

MrGoodson2 said...

In the James Gunn show it's a dorky guy that's chimp ugly.

MrGoodson2 said...

Todays podcast just happens to be with James Gunn. Humanzee will no doubt be a topic