Monday, September 01, 2008


This post is for a certain TAG member that I happen to know will be turning 55 this month. I was reminded of this while reading a Tommy Tomorrow story that shows that in the enlightened year of 2061, workers will be required to retire at the age of 55! To learn the identity of the mystery TAG member in question, just unscramble the anagram that is the title of this post. Other variations include "GOIL'S NOODLES", "LESS GOOD LOIN", "I, GODLESS LOON", or "O, GODLESS LION", "LONE DOG SOILS", "OOLONG SLIDES", "LO, LEO SINS, GOD", "LI'L GOOD NOSES", "LOG SLIDE SOON" and "DOG NOISES, LOL".


Mr Goodson said...

I'm bad at puzzles. Just tell us

rickart said...

Happy Birthday, Ellis! Make it a good one!

Oh, and how much for one of them goons?

Mr Goodson said...

Tom is 55 first

Tom Carroll said...

Wow ... I'm feeling younger all the time (just don't ask my gray beard; it tells a different tale altogether). Happy Birthday, Ellis, you Godless Loon you ...

Beata said...

"What's in a name?"
Well, I never realized there was so much in this one! Thanks, Tom, for pointing out these marvelous insights into the man we otherwise know as "Ellis."

And by the way, Ellis, you don't look a day over ... uh ... however old you were when I first met you. You'll probably always look the same. I think you must be an android.

Kali Fontecchio said...