Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Dead Dragon goes to Heaven

40 dollars worth


BDMontag said...

So you're a batwing/frontarm-wings dragon versus a four-legged and set of wings, Pete's Dragon type artist. The dark dragons on bottom are interesting. Try inverting the purple background gradient to keep the dark dragons in a dark pit.

MrGoodson2 said...

I thought later I should have had it be dark at the bottom, light at the top. Good call. Maybe a personal revision someday. Right now, it's history.

MrGoodson2 said...

And yes. Bat wings are the best sort of anatomy solution for me. Iguanas with wings coming out of their shoulder blades are fine. I should do one that is Barsoom based sometime. And make the batwings the middle extremity. See how I like that. 4 armed dragons. Probably been done.

MrGoodson2 said...

I guess a guy is an idiot to do any dragon designs without looking through all the Dreamworks How To Train a Dragon designs. They had a ton of great work on that.