Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Instagram Leaves Me Out

They now have a Roku channel called Rokagram that lets me see people that use instagram exclusively. I'll probably pay the one time 5 buck fee for it.
I wanted to see all the Kali instagrams. She had so much fun at the time I went broke and completely out of touch. Doing Channel 101s, working for Disney doing the new Mickey shorts. Drinking booze.
This one photo from about 2 years ago. A library card. She's impressed by Marc Davis checking the book out. Look who else checked it out.
Next up, all of Ranjos Instagrams.
Or maybe Peter Csanadi


MrGoodson2 said...

That was the crop on the display of the photo. I don't know if I could have expanded it or not. What would the book be ? Something something love songs.

Homer Jonas. 1958

Davis Chino said...

I see Homer!!